
Thursday, August 29, 2013

How to Land Your Kick-Butt Dream Job: Episode 4

how to land your kick butt dream job, career, jobs, interviews, internships, blogging, tips, advice, Cait, Pretty & Fun

It's hard to believe this is the 4th and final episode of the blog series, How to Land Your Kick-Butt Dream Job with Cait Weingartner, the voice of Pretty & Fun. I designed the blog series to be an extensive interview, focusing on a different topic each week throughout the month of August. It's been great learning the inside tips on college involvementinternships, interviewing, and blogging from a pro like Cait. Let me know in the comments if this blog series was helpful and if you'd like to see more of them in the future! 

Make sure to drop Cait a line on her blog or Twitter and let her know if you found it helpful as well!

Name: Cait Weingartner
Age: 25
Job Title: Digital Strategist, 360i
Blog name/year started: Pretty & Fun, 2011

How has blogging helped build your career? Did you share Pretty and Fun with your current employer while interviewing? My blog is actually a really important piece of my resume and is featured immediately after my current position. For me blogging is a really interesting element of working as a strategist – I’m able to see things from both a brand and a blogger’s perspective to have a very holistic view of the influencer marketing space.

Tell us about your blogging schedule. How often do you post, do you write posts ahead of time, where do you find your inspiration? I’ve found that planning ahead and getting posts written & scheduled in advance works best with my schedule. I tend to brainstorm about 100 or so posts every few months and keep those organized in a Google Calendar. At the beginning of each month I’ll go through and plan the month out but still keep things flexible so at the end of the day, I’m able to blog about what I truly want to. I’ve found inspiration is everywhere – it ranges from the beautiful world of Pinterest to my fellow bloggers and just my every day life experiences.

You have been featured on some well-known websites such as The Everygirl. Tell us about the process. Did you contact them with the idea, how long was the process from contacting them until the day you were featured? It really has varied! With The Everygirl I was a long-time reader and noticed that many of the home tours that they featured were from submissions. I sent a quick email with a few photos of my studio and was shocked to get a very enthusiastic yes from Danielle & Aliana. With some other features I was approached by the brand / publication – I’d say overall it’s been a mix of getting people to say yes and saying yes ;)

What do you recommend to new bloggers that are looking to collaborate with others? How does one go about the process of starting out? Start a conversation and establish a relationship. Social media makes it so easy to connect with other bloggers – I always appreciate comments or conversation with readers and it really is remembered. Keep things simple and don’t be afraid to reach out to other bloggers but just realize that time is a limitation we all face.

Any last tips? Stay true to yourself! At the end of the day, your blog is yours. Set goals for yourself and work toward those without comparing yourself to other bloggers or stressing about page views and comment numbers. Stick with your voice and your vision, be authentic and take time to make connections.

Image via Refinery29


  1. Very cool interview! Checking out the other segments now!


  2. Thanks again for featuring me! Great job with the interview questions - they were a lot of fun to answer.


    1. I had fun with it! Thank you for all your help.
